By Callum Murphy on Wednesday, 09 February 2022
Category: Teach Portsmouth Awards 2022

Top teaching awards return to Portsmouth Guildhall

The city's favourite awards ceremony for teachers, learning support assistants, teams and head teachers return to Portsmouth Guildhall on Thursday 9 June to recognise the immense efforts of colleagues in schools, academies and colleges. The Teach Portsmouth Awards celebrates their achievements and showcases best practice in 10 award categories. 

After moving to a virtual ceremony last year, the Teach Portsmouth Awards return to an in-person event, where 300 delegates will gather, expertise will be shared, inspiring those in the profession and others to teach Portsmouth. This year, sees the introduction of two new award categories, 'teaching assistant of the year' and 'new teacher of the year,' in recognition for those at the very start of their careers.

Councillor Suzy Horton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education at Portsmouth City Council said:

"The Teach Portsmouth Awards are a great way to showcase the successes of Portsmouth's school and college staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure children and young people receive the education they deserve throughout the pandemic.

"As we move to a more normal time, it is important to say thank you to our workforce who have overcome so many challenges over the last two years. The Teach Portsmouth Awards give us a chance to pause and recognise their immense efforts."

by Councillor Suzy Horton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education 

In previous years, the Teach Portsmouth Awards have been a closed event where head teachers were the only people allowed to nominate their staff. 

During the pandemic, Teach Portsmouth introduced the people's choice award to allow people who live in the city a chance to have their say. Local residents could nominate school or college staff who had gone above and beyond the call of duty to support their community.

Examples included head teachers delivering food parcels during lockdown to learning support assistants providing help to children and young people before coursework was due. Parents/carers told us about their experiences, sharing inspirational accounts by completing an online nomination form. 

Last year's winner of the people's choice award and head teacher, Ashley Howard at Highbury Primary School said: 

"When I discovered I had been nominated to win the people's choice award I was blown away. To realise I won the award was even more of a shock.

"It was a huge privilege to be nominated by local people. Every person within education has gone above and beyond to support families in the city over the last two academic years. The fact that I have been recognised by parents and carers is an amazing feeling."

by Ashley Howard, head teacher at Highbury Primary School

Last year, the Teach Portsmouth Awards was streamed through Zoom video conferencing. Broadcaster, Reverend Richard Coles presented the awards, celebrating the contribution of Portsmouth's teaching heroes in a virtual ceremony. 

The awards ceremony is a key part of the Portsmouth Education Partnership strategy to keep the best teachers in the city for local schools and academies. Mike Stoneman, deputy director for children, families and education at Portsmouth City Council said:

"While the Teach Portsmouth Awards helps position the city as a place where education professionals are celebrated, it's also an essential way to attract and keep those who teach here already.

"The Portsmouth Education Partnership strategy outlines how we will recruit and retain the best teachers to ensure children and young people are educated to the highest standards possible. The awards promote best practice in the profession and show that Portsmouth recognises the efforts of colleagues across all settings."

by Mike Stoneman, deputy director, children, families and education

Get ready to nominate

If you live in Portsmouth or your child/young person goes to a school or college in the city, you can now nominate a teacher, learning support assistant or head teacher online in the people's choice award.

Tell us who deserves recognition for their work supporting their community. Online nominations close on Monday 28 March.

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